Neuroplasticity: Training your Brain for Wellness
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Neuroplasticity: Training your Brain for Wellness

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Neuroplasticity: Training your Brain for Wellness

Posted 3 years ago

Brian Stanton

Brian Stanton


Dr. Kevin R. Gendreau

Dr. Kevin R. Gendreau

Author and Scientific Reviewer

Expert Approved

Your brain isn’t like your high school calculator: a stable processor with a few set functions. Instead, it’s a dynamic system that’s continually rewiring itself. 

This rewiring (called neuroplasticity) describes the brain’s ability to undergo functional and structural changes. Sometimes these changes are positive, but other times—say, after a traumatic brain injury—they aren’t.[*

You can foster the positive by learning new things, exercising, and adopting the right mindset. Keep reading for five other ways to rewire your brain and to understand the benefits of doing so.

What Is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity describes the ability of neural networks (networks of brain cells) to change, grow, and reorganize.[*] It’s how we learn new skills, adopt new thought patterns, and form new habits

Closely related to neuroplasticity is neurogenesis. (Neurogenesis means growing new brain cells.) Researchers have discovered that only two brain regions—the hippocampus and the cerebellum—show consistent neurogenesis into adulthood.[*] (Note: the hippocampus governs long-term and spatial memory, while the cerebellum governs muscle memory and coordination.) 

Decades ago, scientists believed that neuroplasticity and neurogenesis only occurred in the developing brain. But while the brain is more malleable during childhood, we’ve since discovered that many brain regions remain plastic throughout life.[*

This is welcome news. If we can rewire our brains in the right direction, we can foster healthier, sharper, more productive minds. 

Benefits of Retraining Your Brain

Your mind is all you have. It’s the filter through which everything gets processed. It’s the space where your thoughts, emotions, and perceptions mingle. 

The purpose of consciousness may be a mystery, but let’s assume for the moment that your conscious life is rooted in physical brain processes. Let’s suppose, in other words, that your mind springs from your brain. 

It’s a reasonable assumption. We’ve linked all aspects of sense perception—not to mention thoughts and emotions—to brain activity.[*

Consequently, rewiring your brain rewires your mind. When you update the hardware (your brain), the software (your mind) updates along with it. 

And so, the benefits of rewiring your brain might include:

  • Higher productivity
  • A better mood
  • The ability to chill when your Netflix account doesn’t load
  • New skills (a new language, physical movement, sport, etc.)
  • More positive thought patterns
  • Healthier habits
  • Boundless love for all living creatures
  • Increased resilience to stress
  • The ability to break negative thought patterns
  • Remembering to buy toilet paper before you run out 

Anything that benefits your brain will benefit your mind. And anything that benefits your mind will benefit your life. 

How Long To Rewire Your Brain?

In a sense, it’s a poorly posed question. Your brain is perpetually rewiring itself for better or worse. 

There is no “how long?” It’s happening now!

But what if we’re talking about something specific, like forming a new habit? Well, that depends on the person, program, and other factors, but it probably takes at least a month of daily practice. 

In one study, researchers found that the average time to install an automatic behavior—in this case, taking a walk after breakfast—was about 66 days.[*] Some people learned faster, but most took at least a month. 

8 Ways to Rewire Your Brain

Want to boost neuroplasticity for a healthier brain and mind? Here are eight ways to do that. 

#1: Learn new things

Whenever you learn, your brain changes. Your neurons continually restructure themselves as you practice and master skills.

Language learning is a well-researched example. In one study, learning a second language increased gray matter—the brain material in which processing happens—in various brain regions.[*] In another, language learning was linked to more plastic white matter, the brain material responsible for communication.[*

#2: Sleep well

If you want to lock in learning, you should prioritize sleep. During sleep, your brain restructures, rebuilds, and rewires itself based on experiences you had the previous day. 

How, exactly, the brain rewires itself during sleep is unclear. But we do know this: when we don’t get enough sleep, neuroplasticity suffers.[*

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advise at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.[*]

#3: Set achievable goals

When you set big hairy goals (lose 50 pounds, make a million dollars, etc.), your mind becomes a rat on a hamster wheel. You’re always chasing that big hairy goal, and it always seems out of reach.

But when you set micro-goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. As you pile up these micro-wins, your mind will naturally rewire itself for success. 

#4: Exercise

One of the simplest ways to stay mentally sharp is to exercise every day. Exercise not only boosts blood flow to the brain, but also stimulates the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).[*]

BDNF is like fertilizer for your brain. By boosting neuroplasticity, it increases your memory and learning ability. 

Researchers from Columbia University found that even just 10 minutes of physical activity per day helped protect middle aged adults from neurological decline.[*]

#5: Practice meditation

Practicing meditation is like doing bicep curls. Both exercises strengthen and improve the tissue in question. 

Regular meditators, it’s been shown, have larger hippocampi and smaller amygdalae.[*][*] The amygdala, by the way, is best known as the brain’s “fear center,” so seeing it shrink is a good sign. 

#6: Create art

Creating keeps your brain young. You might generate art by:

  • Making music (musical training has been shown to increase neuroplasticity)[*]
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Starting a business
  • Taping a banana to the wall
  • Cooking 
  • Writing

Whatever gets your creative juices flowing gets your brain rewiring. Enjoy the process. 

#7: Consider your social network

As social animals, our brains are sensitive to our social connections. So if you want to change your brain, be aware of who you spend time with. 

It’s not complicated. Maximize time with people you love and respect, and minimize time with those who feel toxic and drain you. (Pro tip: if your boss is toxic, start looking for a new job). 

#8: Adopt the right mindset

What do you think about most frequently? Explore this question deeply. Thought patterns form your identity. 

Picture your thoughts as carving grooves in your brain. The more you think about something, the deeper the groove. 

The trick is to live in a way that fosters a positive mindset. Read, journal, reflect, reward good behaviors, and surround yourself with positive people. Your brain will get the message. 

Comments 16

  • AmazingKetone592187

    AmazingKetone592187 7 months ago

    Thank you

    • StupendousRadish781475

      StupendousRadish781475 2 years ago

      Awesomeness thank you

      • Cindy M

        Cindy M 2 years ago

        Love this! Great value in being consciously aware of rewiring. 🙂

        • D'nooch

          D'nooch 2 years ago

          Neuroplasticity is why the brain can recover and restore many of our affected abilities after serious injuries like aneurysms, strokes, head trauma, etc. The brain is fascinating and remarkable!

          • GorgeousArugula389785

            GorgeousArugula389785 2 years ago

            I have barely learned self actualization through rolfing and trancedental meditation and now they want me to learn neuroplasticity too.

            • FabulousKetone843491

              FabulousKetone843491 2 years ago

              Very interesting!

              • Redznjah43

                Redznjah43 2 years ago

                love this

                • Chibi

                  Chibi 2 years ago

                  Thank you for the information 🙂

                  • SpectacularMacadamia197583

                    SpectacularMacadamia197583 2 years ago

                    As a psychotherapist this list is WONDERFUL!!!

                    • AmazingArugula475442

                      AmazingArugula475442 2 years ago


                      • LuvNnc

                        LuvNnc 2 years ago

                        As a therapist this is something I share with clients. It gives us hope to know we can learn new ways to become the me we want to be! Thank you for sharing. Great article.

                        • valerie

                          valerie 2 years ago

                          Very interesting .

                          • Mac

                            Mac 3 years ago

                            this was a good read. Knowing the science increases the validity

                            • Aliciarodriguez156

                              Aliciarodriguez156 3 years ago

                              Good to know

                              • Abbyketo22

                                Abbyketo22 3 years ago

                                Great article

                                • Ursi

                                  Ursi 3 years ago

                                  I’ve heard many of these tips before but never alongside the science behind why they work. Great way to explain how it all fits together! (I also had a nice giggle at the “tape a banana to the wall” suggestion! Haha)