If you want to lose weight this year, your mindset matters. You need to believe in yourself.
Smart man, Mr. Ford.
Belief alone isn’t enough, of course. It’s not like the pounds start oozing off the moment you visualize it. Sustainable weight loss is the product of a good system, which includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep.
Yet this system depends entirely upon a human being: You. For it to work, you need to get your mindset handled. This article will show you how.
Redefining Success for Weight Loss
The typical weight-loss plan looks something like this:
Lose X pounds by [fast-approaching date].
The plan occasionally works. With some aggressive calorie-cutting, the person may hit their target. And for a moment, the sweet smell of victory fills the air.
But it doesn’t last long. After the glow wears off, it’s like... now what? Set a new target? Stagnate? It’s not clear what to do next.
Your success is reduced to mere days, maybe hours. And then it’s back to striving again. And that’s the best-case scenario, in which you’ve achieved the weight-loss goal.
Consider thinking about weight loss differently. Consider shifting your mindset to redefine weight loss.
Two Quick Mindset Hacks for Weight Loss
- Consider any amount of weight loss—or even the absence of weight gain—a success.
- Put your emphasis on diet, sleep, and exercise. If you’re checking these boxes, you’re winning.
Our minds like winning. The more we win, the more likely we’ll continue a behavior. And healthy behaviors are the key to sustainable weight loss.
5 Ways To Promote A Success Mindset for Weight Loss
All success—including physical success—starts in the mind. Let’s explore five ways to put your mind in success mode so you can achieve your weight loss goals.
#1: Read
By simply reading this article, you’re priming your mind for success. You're reaffirming (to yourself) that you’re the kind of person who cares deeply about your health.
This is no small thing. As neuroscientist Donald Hebb once said, “cells that fire together, wire together”[*]. The more time you devote to studying success, the more your brain becomes wired for winning.
More practically, reading is how you learn how to eat for weight loss. For instance, if you want to go Keto, there is no shortage of useful resources (like the Carb Manager blog and app) out there.
When you’re reading, you’re learning. Keep it up.
#2: Journal
When you write something down, you’re more likely to follow through. It’s a quick and easy way to hack your psyche.
Details help. In one study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, researchers found that people who wrote down where, when, and how they would exercise were two to three times more likely to exercise than controls[*].
How does this apply to weight loss? Let’s say you’ve gone Keto to slim up. In your journal, write up a meal plan daily, including meal timing. Even if you’re not Keto, you can use the same basic strategy. And of course, feel free to use the Carb Manager app as a journal if you’re more the digital type.
By journaling, you take willpower out of the equation by creating a plan for yourself. Take advantage.
#3: Try self-affirmations
A journal is also the perfect place for affirmations. These positive messages reinforce who you are and where you’re heading.
If you’re skeptical about affirmations, that’s understandable. It seems to reek of new-age mysticism and scammy gurus with flowing robes and expensive watches.
Yet, believe it or not, there’s a growing literature on self-affirmation. In one study, for instance, participants who affirmed their values beforehand were more receptive to health messages on the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle[*]. Plus, they became more active the following month.
Why do affirmations work? They may just be a clever way to focus the mind, but nobody knows for sure.
#4: Tell others what you’re doing
If you want to harness the full power of human psychology, don’t keep your weight-loss mission a secret. Tell as many people as you can.
When you publicly commit to something—a new diet, for instance—your brain works hard to maintain that commitment. This phenomenon is called consistency bias.
We like being consistent with our words and actions. We avoid inconsistency like a steaming pile of dog poop in the middle of the sidewalk.
Commitment is one reason why Carb Manager’s Groups are so effective. It’s a big friendly crew of supportive people on a similar path who provide an instant boost to your accountability and motivation.
#5: Use incentives
Think of your brain like a Labrador Retriever. If you train it properly, it will happily comply with your wishes.
If your wish is to lose weight, you’ll want to reward fat-burning habits and activities. An example will help illustrate.
Through a variety of mechanisms, intermittent fasting can be effective for weight loss[*]. Not only do you have less time to snack on problem foods, but you’re likely eating fewer calories overall.
But fasting probably isn’t on your top 10 worldly pleasures list. The solution? Insert pleasure after the fast.
This pleasure can take the form of a delicious meal, a hot shower, or even a square of dark chocolate. Eventually, your brain will associate fasting with pleasure, and you’ll no longer need the reward.

Make Your Mind Your Friend
Healthy living isn’t about 14-day resets or aggressive weight-loss targets. It’s about finding a sustainable system that steadily moves you in the right direction.
Psychology and mindset is central to sticking with your system and ensuring that it functions smoothly. It’s training your brain—through journaling, reading, affirmations, community, and incentives—to be a helpful companion on your quest for better health.
In other words, make your mind your friend. It will pay off big time.
Still here? Check out our companion piece on how to dial in healthy habits and make success a no brainer this year.
Gillyb 2 months ago
Great article! It helped boost my confidence and reaffirmed that I’m in the right track. Thank you
Kelly 3 months ago
I am glad this article came up in my email today, very timely as I have not been taking care of myself and have been putting everyone else’s needs before mine and it shows in the mindset and on the scale. I will have to be selective with #4 as not everyone wants to see you succeed at your goals for a healthier lifestyle if it makes them self conscious of their destructive choices. I’m gonna Thrive in 2025!
SuperRadish518025 a month ago
When I read your comment above I felt exactly the same, time to prioritise ourselves now & get healthy 🥰 good luck
dknox 3 months ago
I socialize with friends and wine. Should I find a different diet???
Lolly 5 months ago
I retired from my government job after 32 years, now I work from home. Have gained 10 lbs since June. Time to reset and get back to basics. This article was very timely.
RousingKetone970162 10 months ago
Mostly good advice but beware of letting others know of your weight loss journey if your group includes saboteurs . . . even the well-meaning ones.
SuperRadish518025 a month ago
Totally agree, my friends just call it a FAD diet but so far it’s working well & im waking up feeling so much healthier
Karenellen55 a year ago
The mind is the biggest factor in losing weight. Mine has been in a negative space and it's showing on the scale. Thanks for the article. I'm going to try these steps and get in a more positive frame of mind.
AwesomeRadish794018 a year ago
I have lost 150 lbs. (370 to 220) in one year. Last week I rewarded myself with a 7-day cruise with my friends. No holds barred - I ate drank and was very merry. I Gained 15 pounds, but I am now mentally ready to lose another forty pounds.
RubyJeanToo a year ago
I’m doing this to manage T2 diabetes, weight loss has been achieved. I tried premium last year but I did not end up using the premium features.
BradyPDX a year ago
Wow. Needed this today
oceanthief a year ago
Today is my day one… again. This article is excellent and to the point. It didn’t tell me anything new, but reinforced what I know to be true. I have the hardest time with telling others though.
lowcarbdieter74c0 a year ago
I hear you on the telling people. Weight being an ongoing challenge for me when I tell people and then fall off for a while I have that many more people who seemingly want to show interest at the worst of times and the embarrassment of the momentary failure. Like I have to justify to everyone else when I am on or off Keto.
AwesomeArugula994991 a year ago
I have been managing my carbs for one year. I use keytone strips to keep me honest about my carb use. I have not lost weight but I have not gained weight. I know this year is going to be different….
StellarCauliflower769300 a year ago
Thank you, this came at the perfect moment ! Struggling a bit after 4 successful Keto years. Time to focus !
shellzbellz-😊 2 years ago
Love this article! ❣️Journaling is not something I actually find time to do, but tracking takes it’s place for me. I do practice positive affirmations on a regular basis and it helps immensely when I find myself in uncomfortable situations. I agree incentives really help and are necessary for staying the course on my individual journey. Great Read! 😊
Michele 2 years ago
I agree with all with exceptions of #4. People can be very cruel. And if they find you not having a good day, they don’t let you forget it. Making your mind your best friend is probably the best advice I have heard. And the rest of these ideas are extremely helpful. Good luck to all and remember your reason why you’re doing it.
PropitiousKetone288178 2 years ago
I agree with not keeping your health goals a secret, however I think it's more prudent to tell it to people who are like minded or who are likely to support you. Many of us come from families that frown or ridicule anyone trying to live a healthier life style, especially if it's not the norm in your family's culture.
Sue7 2 years ago
Yes I find it frustrating when you tell people you’re on a diet and they say oh don’t be silly at your age a bit of weight is ok there’s no positive words
IncredibleKale945429 2 years ago
People are ignorant they can’t themselves
SplendidRadish506872 2 years ago
These are great ideas and even though I do not enjoy #4, its just hard for me to do, still I have experienced the truth of it.
jengripp 2 years ago
I don’t like #4 either. The more ppl I tell the harder I fail.
BlithesomeCauliflower902344 2 years ago