How Much Exercise Do You Need Per Week? A Science-Based Guide
Keto and Exercise

How Much Exercise Do You Need Per Week? A Science-Based Guide

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How Much Exercise Do You Need Per Week? A Science-Based Guide

Posted 3 years ago

Brian Stanton

Brian Stanton


Along with nutrition and sleep, exercise is a pillar of health. Unfortunately, only about 20% of Americans get enough of it.[*

So how much exercise per week is required for health benefits? And which types of exercise should you favor? 

This article will answer these questions. Plus you’ll learn practical tips to enhance your exercise routine. Let’s dive in. 

How Much Exercise Should You Get Per Week?

In 2018, the US Department of Health and Human Services assembled the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee to review the scientific literature on exercise. The goal was to determine the level of exercise required for “substantial health benefits.”[*]

We’ll get to those benefits in a moment, but first, let’s review the recommendations. 

Physical Activity Guidelines (PAG) for Adults Per Week:

  • 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise (fast walking, doubles tennis, water aerobics, etc.)


  • 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise (jogging, cycling, swimming, basketball)


  • An equal blend of moderate and vigorous aerobic exercise


  • At least two days per week of strength training

In other words, the guidelines advise at least 150 minutes per week of endurance exercise and two strength-training sessions. Let’s go into more detail on exercise types now. 

Main Types Of Exercise and Their Benefits

Here we’ll break exercise into four broad categories: aerobic, strength, HIIT, and mobility. Each category has important benefits. 

#1: Aerobic Exercise

Also called cardiovascular (cardio) or endurance exercise, aerobic exercise refers to activities that increase the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during physical activity. In other words, these activities (jogging, swimming, running, etc.) increase your aerobic capacity. (Note: aerobic capacity is measured by VO2 max, with higher VO2 max denoting better aerobic fitness). 

If you had to choose one type of exercise, you could make a strong case for aerobic exercise.[*] The benefits of regular aerobic exercise include:[*]

Let’s highlight that last point. In one study, people who had “above average” aerobic capacity (as measured by treadmill testing) had a 60% to 70% reduced risk of death compared to people in the “low” aerobic capacity group.[*

How much aerobic exercise per week should you do? To hit your 150 minutes, you only need to do about 21 minutes per day. Aim for 30 to be safe. 

#2: Strength Training

If you want to maintain (or gain) muscle, you have to strength train. It’s non-negotiable, especially in our later years. 

As we age, we lose muscle more rapidly. A person with age-related muscle loss (called sarcopenia) not only has less functional mobility, but also a lower quality of life.[*] Regular resistance training staves off sarcopenia while simultaneously reducing the risk of falls and fall-related injuries.[*

#3: High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

If you want to age healthfully, you’ll want to add HIIT to your exercise routine. These intense bursts of exercise (sprints, fast swimming, interval cycling, etc.) have been shown to reduce age-related decline in muscle tissue and improve aerobic capacity more than other forms of exercise.[*

Since HIIT boosts aerobic capacity, it can be considered a form of aerobic exercise. Yet HIIT is also a form of anaerobic exercise because it demands other forms of fuel (like glucose) beyond oxygen.[*] However you classify it, sprinting once or twice per week can be a boon to your health. 

#4: Flexibility, mobility, and stability training

Activities that boost flexibility, mobility, and stability help us stay robust as we age. These activities include:

Activities like yoga not only improve flexibility but also aerobic capacity and strength. It’s nice to get multiple benefits at once. 

How Much Exercise Per Week to Lose Weight?

This is a controversial topic. Some sources say that burning calories during exercise is a formula for weight loss[*], while others say it doesn’t matter.[*

The truth is somewhere in the middle. Regular exercise may help you lose or maintain weight, but the effect is smaller than you might think. 

The literature suggests that moderate doses of exercise (in accordance with the PAG) are unlikely to produce clinically significant weight loss.[*] (According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you need more than 225 minutes per week of aerobic exercise to achieve this goal.)[*] Adding strength training to the regimen might help, but the science isn’t clear on this point. 

The takeaway? Focus on diet for weight loss and love exercise for its other benefits.  

How Diet Relates to Exercise

Proper nutrition provides the macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals required to fuel exercise and repair your body after exercise. The most important nutrient to support exercise? Protein

You need amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to synthesize muscle. Without these building blocks, you’d wither away. 

It’s also wise to calibrate your caloric intake (and protein intake) to your activity level. The higher your activity level, the more calories and protein you’ll need. 

If you want to lose weight, dial down the calories a bit. If you want to gain muscle, dial them up. Use the Carb Manager app to measure, manage, and optimize this process. 

Tips for Staying Active in the Modern World

You don’t need a customized workout program to benefit from exercise. You just need to stay active throughout the day.

When you stay active throughout the day, you’ll hit 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week without even trying. Add a couple of strength training sessions, a yoga class, and a few sprints, and you’ll be good to go. 

Here are some tips for staying active in today’s world:

  • Walk everywhere you can. Don’t take the elevator when you can take the stairs.
  • Use a standing desk.
  • Take regular work breaks for jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, stretching, or walks.
  • Keep a grip strengthener handy. (Fun tip: offer it to your friends and smile sympathetically when they can’t squeeze it. Then take it back and crush it 4-5 times with each hand before changing the topic). 
  • Develop a regular yoga or pilates habit. These activities deliver many benefits.  
  • Install a home gym. Your monetary commitment will obligate you to follow through. 

Feeling inspired? Harness that inspiration and do something active right now. Most people don’t get enough exercise, but you don’t have to be one of them.

Comments 14

  • RousingRadish322427

    RousingRadish322427 2 years ago

    Thank you for publishing this informative article on the science-based recommendations for weekly exercise. The explanations of the different types of exercise and their benefits are very helpful in designing a fitness routine that suits individual needs. The article also provides useful tips for increasing physical activity levels, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being. Keep up the good work! Also Read: <a href="">Does Exercise Really Burn More Calories</a>

    • Carrol

      Carrol 2 years ago

      Great article…. I’m trying to bike or walk at least 4 times a week as I’m trying to lose weight. I’m not on Keto just trying to eat healthier and working out. I love this app as it helps me to be accountable for what I eat and exercise. I’m down 40+ pounds with another 30#’s to go…. I know I will get there as this app motivates me…

      • E.lincourt

        E.lincourt 3 years ago

        I was just talking with my husband about how to find motivation to work out in the morning. He didn’t have any great suggestions then I realized that if I hate to work out in the morning, I should schedule it for the middle of the day. This article reminded me of all the “whys”. Thanks.

        • D'nooch

          D'nooch 3 years ago

          Good info here, but no consideration made for age and abilities. Would be nice to address those aspects, too.

          • Pb20

            Pb20 3 years ago

            Thanks, informative

            • Organic Girl

              Organic Girl 3 years ago

     is a free app that has a huge variety of all of the above. I also have a trainer for high intensity weight training 2xweek. Love taking my dogs out in their stroller.

              • SplendidKale811764

                SplendidKale811764 3 years ago

                Thank you! Motivated me to get up off the couch and walk about in the house. It's been a struggle to get back to a healthy weight after our son😭❤️

                • plaidr1

                  plaidr1 3 years ago

                  This may be the most comprehensive, but concise article I've ever read in regards to health maintenance. Bravo!! (And thanks for the great reminders) ☺️

                  • Cfandre

                    Cfandre 3 years ago

                    Does this apply to us older folks, too? I have a time with bad knees

                    • Natsedwards14

                      Natsedwards14 3 years ago

                      I’m a fitness instructor and do a minimum of 5 45 min classes a week. I’m really struggling to work out how much I should eat to ensure ketosis I have been stalled at the same weight for 5 weeks now?

                      • LoveRoos

                        LoveRoos 3 years ago

                        super informative.

                        • DeeVibes

                          DeeVibes 3 years ago

                          Great info to get one started

                          • Propitious Ali

                            Propitious Ali 3 years ago

                            very information

                            • Propitious Ali

                              Propitious Ali 3 years ago

                              Amazing content